- Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality?Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 28, 2021 As the pandemic wages into its second year, two diametrically opposing movements have consolidated in defiance against each other. The dominant contingent, represented by Biden, Congress, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the mainstream media, has decided that any citizen who refuses a Covid-19 vaccine is ...
- The FDA, Shock Troops for the Pharmaceutical Industrial ComplexRichard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 17, 2021 As of this week, over 194 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccines have been administered in the US. Consequently, a growing majority of Americans are delighted that life may return to normal because most believe they are now protected from infection. Clearly that is not ...
- Why are Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin Being Officially Suppressed?Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 10, 2021 Had the FDA and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) started approving existing clinically-proven and inexpensive drugs for treating malaria, parasites and other pathogens at the start of the pandemic, millions of people would have been saved from experiencing serious infections ...
- The Weaponization of the CDC Against Public HealthRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, April 30, 2021 What if you were to know that a cabal of corrupt bureaucrats and scientists at the heart of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have known for almost two decades that vaccines, including the MMR, can lead to autism and other neurological disorders? Most people are ...
- It is Time to Dismantle the World Health OrganizationRichard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, April 19, 2021 The ultimate international authority for infectious diseases is the World Health Organization (WHO). Due to its widespread acceptance by the world’s national governments, it has been extremely successful in assuming the helm to monitor regional and global infectious diseases and dictate medical intervention policies to ...
- Covid Vaccines: Another Chapter in the History of Irresponsible Medical Practice, Profit and GreedRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, April 1, 2021 With hundreds of millions of people globally now being vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the CDC, FDA and other government health agencies are making every effort within their means to assure us that this is the only recourse to bring the nation and the world-at-large back ...
- Can We Trust America’s Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Statistics?Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, March 29, 2021 According to the latest figures derived from the European Medicines Agency’s database of Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions, 162,610 injurious events and 3,964 deaths have now been reported. Among the three major vaccines approved and deployed in Europe, Pfizer-Biontech’s vaccine accounts for over two-thirds of reported ...
- Pfizer’s History of Crimes and MisdemeanorsRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, March 10, 2021 Whenever it is necessary to make an evaluation of the efficacy and safety of conventional drug-based medicine, it is imperative to include the rising rate of iatraogenic injuries and deaths – medical errors – that has become the third leading cause of death in the US ...
- Why Should We Trust a Vaccine from a Condom Maker?Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, March 5, 2021 For decades, according to a Guardian article, “consumers worldwide have named the $347 billion pharmaceutical behemoth Johnson and Johnson(J&J) as one of its most trusted brands.” From its humble beginnings in the 1880s, making cotton gauze dressings and eventually band aids, baby powder and shampoo, ...
- Natural Love In The Time Of CovidTRENDS JOURNAL TRENDS IN GETTING HEALTHY February 9, 2021 Natural Love In The Time Of Covid by Gary Null, PhD As the COVID-19 panic rolls on, health-minded people are eager, and sometimes desperate, to know whether there are ways to strengthen the body’s immune system to protect themselves. Following the first cases ...
- Reasons to Question the Covid-19 Vaccination NarrativeGary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, January 21, 2021 At this moment, hundreds of millions of people worldwide eagerly await the chance to be vaccinated against the SARS-2 virus. They have been given the assurance, through an endless barrage of media reports and commentaries, that these vaccines are safe and will prevent serious infection. We are told they ...
- Will the Covid Vaccine Meet Its Quixotic Promises?Gary Null and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, January 7, 2021 Daily we hear and observe a stream of endless propaganda about the miracles of the new generation of Covid vaccines in order to calm fears and increase public compliance. Top health officials, popular politicians and celebrities are jumping before the cameras to be the first to ...
- Cautionary Tale: This COVID Vaccine Could Heighten HIV Risk for Some, Scientists WarnIn a letter published in The Lancet, several researchers raised questions about the potential for adenovirus-based vaccines to increase the risk of HIV for some recipients. By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Global Research, December 14, 2020 Children’s Health Defense 11 December 2020 In a letter published in The Lancet, researchers warn that the adenovirus vector technology being used around the world to ...
- Is COVID-19 Herd Immunity Possible?Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, April 29, 2020 One effort some countries are undertaking to stem the rise of COVID-19 infections is to increase herd immunity. There are physicians and scientists suggesting that the more individuals are exposed to the coronavirus, the faster the population will reach a hypothetical herd immunity. However there ...
- Bill Gates: America’s Self-Appointed Vaccine CzarRichard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, April 24, 2020 A puzzle that may baffle the inquiring mind is how a college dropout, a computer nerd without any notable biological or medical background, and at one time the wealthiest person in the world before being unseated by the self-centered playboy Jeff Bezos, could rise to ...
- America’s Plague of Gardasil InjuriesRichard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, December 17, 2019 The history of the Gardasil vaccine illustrates the lack of oversight on the part of our health authorities when it comes to reviewing the pharmaceutical industry’s testing of vaccines for efficacy and safety. Before receiving FDA approval, the HPV vaccine Gardasil was tested on fewer ...
- America’s Crazy, Wild and Deadly Vaccination ExperimentRichard Gale, Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, September 25, 2019 September 20th may be recognized as a day when the 16 year old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg led the world’s youth to protest en masse against the failures of our governments to tackle the existential threats from climate change. Now tens of millions of youth globally ...
- The Myths about the Polio Vaccine’s Safety and EfficacyBy Richard Gale and Dr. Gary NullProgressive Radio Network, September 16, 2019 During the past couple years there has been a slew of draconian vaccine bills aggressively being pushed upon state legislators to legally enforce vaccination against Americans freedom of choice. Beside removing religious and philosophical exemptions, states such as California, are also making efforts to ...
- The Toxic Science of Flu VaccinesRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, January 10, 2019 The 2017-2018 flu season was not a good year for the CDC. Flu vaccination coverage rates was its lowest in almost a decade, and the the vaccine itself had a very poor effective rate. The FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb had to make a statement in September ...
- Vaccination: Federal Health Agencies Continue to Deceive AmericansRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, November 12, 2019 I have no doubt whatever that vaccination is an unscientific abomination and should be made a criminal practice. G. Bernard Shaw Under normal circumstances, when a public health measure is advocated or mandated, and it is accepted without question by all Federal health agencies, state and local health ...
- The CDC, Vaccination and the Deep StateRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, January 21, 2018 What if you were to know that a cabal of corrupt bureaucrats and scientists at the heart of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have known for almost two decades that vaccines, including the MMR, can lead to autism and other neurological disorders? Most people are ...
- New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and Our Government KnowsRichard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, November 5, 2018 Today in the US and a growing number of other countries, the official policy is that any scientific study, regardless of its methodology, quality, author credentials, and peer-reviewed process is summarily dismissed as incomplete, irrelevant or unsupported if it finds a connection between any vaccine or ...
- Vaccination, the Ultimate Junk ScienceRichard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, January 23, 2020 For over a decade the debate over compulsory vaccination, especially for children and more recently for adults, has centered on a single premise. World leading vaccine experts, including those at the CDC, our universities and international organizations such as the World Health Organization, are unanimous ...
1. Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt1-Townsend 01 oct 2003
2. Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt2-Townsend 01 nov 2003
3. Vaccination-An Analysis of the Health Risks Pt3-Townsend 01 dec 2003
4. Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt1-Townsend 01 oct 2007
5. Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt2-Townsend 01 nov 2007
6. Vaccination-An Updated Analysis of the Health Risks Pt3-Townsend 01 dec 2007
7. Vaccine Conspiracy-PRN 11 oct 2013
8. Vaccines’ Dark Inferno-What Is Not on Insert Labels-Townsend 01 dec 2009
9. Vaccines- A Case Of Contamination-Gardasil-PRN 16 sept 2011
10. Vaccines-A New Flu Season of Pain-GreeNMed Info 22 nov 2013
11. Vaccines-Bracing Ourselves For More Sham Vaccine Studies-PRN 13 oct 2009
12 Vaccines-CDC Best PR Firm Taxes Can Buy-PRN 07 oct 2009
13. Vaccines-CDC Votes to Indict Itself-PRN 29 jun 2010
14. Vaccines-Deadly Injections Hidden Ingredients-PRN 30 nov 2011
15 Vaccines-Deadly Vaccines-MedGen23 01 jun 2009
16. Vaccines-Death By Vaccination Gates Foundation-PRN 22 sept 2010
17. Vaccines-Federal Health Agencies Continue To Deceive Americans-PRN 22 nov 2009
18. Vaccines-Flu Vaccine Related Miscarriages-PRN 12 feb 2010
19. Vaccines-Flu Vaccines Are They Effective And Safe-PRN 28 sept 2010
20. Vaccines-Gardasil-Child Abuse By Big Pharma-PRN 09 jan 2012
21. Vaccines-Gardasil-Deadly Risk Not Worth Taking 25 march 2013
22. Vaccines-Government Launches Deceptive Swine Flu PropogandaPRN 26 oct 2009
23. Vaccines-HPV Vaccines-Unnecessary and Lethal-PRN 29 feb 2016
24. Vaccines-Injection Deception Revised.PRN 25 july 2016
25. Vaccines-Lethal Injections.PH 01 march 2000
26. Vaccines-The CDC, Vaccination and the Deep State-NaturalBlaze 22 jan 2018
27. Vaccines-The Council Foreign Relation Enters Vaccine Biz-PRN 23 dec 2009
28. Vaccines-The Toxic Science of Flu Vaccines-PRN 31 oct 2016
29. Vaccines-The Vaccine Dilema-PRN 03 may 2016
30. Vaccines-Vaccine Victims-MedGen17 01 dec 1987
31. Vaccines-Voodoo Science-The Myth Of Vaccine Efficacy-PRN 01 dec 2015
32. Vaccines-Will Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine-PRN 26 may 2011
33. Thimerosal – A Serious Reason to Avoid the Flu Vaccine
34. Vaccine McCarthyism – Did 2014 Mark the Collapse of the Vaccine Establishment?
35. Wikipedia’s Vaccination Bias
36. Wikipedia’s Vaccine Propaganda Regime
37. The “Unscientific” Scientific American
38. New Vaccines Still Cause Autism and Our Government Knows
39. Autism, Made in the USA: the Undeniable Connection Between Vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder
40. Richard Gale and Gary Null – Why is the CDC Petrified of the Film Vaxxed?
41. Commentary on NPR’s Vaccine Story
42. America’s Crazy, Wild and Deadly Vaccination Experiment
44. America’s Plague of Gardasil Injuries
45. Bill Gates Americas Self-Appointed Vaccine Czar
46. Fast-Tracking a CoV-19 Vaccine: Why Should We Worry?
47. Selling a Pandemic: Sound Science versus Propaganda Alchemy
48. The Flu Shot Will Protect Us From Covid? But Where is the Science?
49. The Myth That Vaccination Equals Immunization
50. The Polio Vaccine A Global Scourge Still Threatening Humanity
51. The Myths about the Polio Vaccine’s Safety and Efficacy
52. The Public Relations Machine for the Vaccine Complex the role of the CDC
53. The Smallpox Vaccine: A Real Threat that Should be a Forgotten Threat
54. Uncovering The Cover-Up–The Vaccine/Autism Connection
55. Unsuccessful Modern Medical Miracles:The Fraud Behind the Polio and Smallpox Vaccines